Eat Mostly Plants

Eat Mostly Plants

Michael Pollan teaches us to… Eat Food Not too much Mostly plants Check out his lovely book Food Rules. It’s full of simple wisdom and good reminders.

How I’m Reducing Food Waste

How I’m Reducing Food Waste

More than 20% of the fruits and vegetables grown in America never make it off the farm because they aren’t perfect enough for grocery store standards. This results in billions of pounds of wasted produce every year. We’re talking about produce that is just as nutritious and delicious but looks a little different. Now, a […]

Why I Love My CSA

Why I Love My CSA

If you’re like most people, you’re saying…”what is a CSA?” It stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it’s where you buy a share of the farm and it’s crops for a season and pick up weekly produce based on what is ripe. I’ve been in my present CSA, Winter Green Farm, for five years now. […]

Summer Fruit Spring Rolls

Summer Fruit Spring Rolls

Summer is one of my favorite times of year. I sometimes wonder if that’s because I was born in summer right next to the longest day of the year. Sunshine, fresh produce, flowers, being outdoors…all spark my inspiration! When it’s hot, go for a fresh cool dish to amaze your guests. These Fresh Summer Fruit […]