What a Minimalist’s Bedroom & Closet Might Look Like

Upon retiring I had the urge to get my house in order. What I didn’t realize at the time, was it really was a desire to get my life in order. I began with going through what I owned, cleaning, sorting and simplifying. I did 3-4 rounds of this over the next two and a half years. And only now am I getting to a level where I am close to having what I need without a lot of fluff.

What I thought would be nice is to take the areas I feel good about and show them to you. I present this not as “the way” but as “a way” that works for me. The cool thing about minimalism is, it doesn’t look one specific way. It’s more about intentionally including what’s important to you and removing excess or things that you aren’t using or don’t support you.

So here is my bedroom and my closet. A tour of what remains and works for me.

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  1. Congratulations on getting rid of the “fluff”. This is my goal too. It sounds like this is an exciting time for you. I look forward to seeing more…


  2. Amazing! I just realized that I have a long ways to go. After being on the road for a month recently, I realized that it is quite freeing to not feel bogged down by stuff. I bought the Marie Kondo book and am working my way through it . Also really like your new photo! You look happy!


  1. […] those of you who read (and watched) yesterday’s blog about what a minimalist might have in their bedroom and closet, I wanted to share an added benefit […]
